1.) Yeah
3.) Ditto
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm going to state the obvious here very briefly:
1. We are all to busy to post.
2. We all miss each other.
3. Summer can't come soon enough (logical deduction from points 1 and 2).
The end!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
So... I'm in sitting in Buddhism class right now. It's terribly boring and my professor is no fun. I was on facebook earlier, and he called on me.... yeah, can you say "blind-sided"? I acted like a bumbling fool. Oops. Oh well, despite my lack of participation and the 50% on today's quiz, I have an A.
This guy.
So basically, AWESOME.
Anyways, one of the coolest things ever happened today. So, y'know, working in the undergraduate admissions office, I get to see a variety of random people. Well, today is my lucky day. As I was working the front desk and checking people in, none other than Doug Savant came up with his daughter, Arianna. Okay, so yeah, he isn't a household name, but for those Desperate Housewive watchers, his character is Tom Scavo. For sure got to talk to him and his daughter.
So basically, AWESOME.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Almost April.
Guys, our first year is almost over and its making me a little bit sad. However, I am gladdened by the fact that I am seeing an amazing concert every week from here on out. Yesterday: Yeasayer Next week: Passion Pit, then Los Campesinos!, then MGMT. Its going to be the best. I also could go see The Fray, but they're The Fray and no one gives a fuck about them. (Obviously, I am very disappointed in our spring concert pick.) So last night was once again interesting for me. I'm terribly hungover right now but have like hours upon hours of chemistry to do, so i have to do that. Yucko. Yesterday I went shopping and spent like 200 dollars and clothes. I bought the coolest pair of 300 dollar John Fluevog's for 59 bucks. There this amazing slip on shoe that has a real pointed toe. Its gray leather: like this gray, with butter cream yellow diamonds down the center of the shoe. They are so epic. I bought a lot of hipster clothes too. By that I mean scarfs and flannel. I look forward to seeing some of you in a couple of days!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
sad face
i don't even know how to survive in this class. it makes me want to slowly shrivel up into a tiny little raisin and die a slow and yucky death. the worst part is i studied my ass off for the exam and didn't do well. and doing well would mean i could take the quizzes online and only go to class once a week. fml. on the plus side, i just learned that the only other animals that can become lepers are armadillos. wow!
ooo now we're watching youtube videos on bacterial conjugation and genetic transfer. how i love shitty science! i'm literally watching a video of someone recording an actual video on his or her computer. what an idiot.
worst of all i hate my romantic life and boys should all go to hell. except you two of course.
bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan. two exams down, one to go.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
RAWR! Spring Break!
No one has posted in sooo long! Okay, so I got back from my spring break yesterday and now I have soooooo much work to do since I was on a service trip and I needed a good distraction. Guys, guess what? The academy awards are tonight!!!! So basically, I will not be efficient tonight. Sad. I miss everyone sooooooo much. Hopefully I will get to see most of you over Easter (except you Greg, frowny face). I'm seeing Passion Pit on Easter Eve which will be soooo great. And I am seeing Yeasayer for free and then Los Campesinos! on April 24th. Yay for concerts! Okay back to writing a paper that is like 30% of grade.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Economic Efficiency
I have effectively increased my Netflix queue by about 10 over the past two and a half hours of my econ class, along with reading a few ecards, checking my email and facebook about 32 times each, and constantly refreshing texts from last night. Way to keep my attention, professor. It may have been beneficial to pay attention, as next class is our first midterm. Oops. Oh well.
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