Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Economic Efficiency

I have effectively increased my Netflix queue by about 10 over the past two and a half hours of my econ class, along with reading a few ecards, checking my email and facebook about 32 times each, and constantly refreshing texts from last night. Way to keep my attention, professor. It may have been beneficial to pay attention, as next class is our first midterm. Oops. Oh well.


Advice from my Philosophy teacher (we're currently analyzing the Apology by Plato) on how to confront your friends who are not examining their lives according to Socrates' standards: "I learned today in philosophy class that your life is not worth living"

This seems like a good phrase to add to my list of ways to alienate people.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Premed is Fucking INSANE

Okay, so today in chemistry we had a problem set due, and we are all handing ours in. So this douche Asian in front of me, before passing them in, steals my friends off the top of the pile and shoves it in his notebook so that he won't get credit. Of course, he just walked up to him and pulled it out of his notebook and turned it in, but oh muh gawd. How terrible.  Insane competition!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

the early hours of valentine's day...

So instead of studying, i just spent the last hour looking through the someecards flirting section (thanks for getting me addicted). Below my favorites are in an order that perfectly describes my valentine's day eve/early morning experience year:
I'm almost decided whether or not i'm attracted to you
I haven't decided how much longer to tease you
I can't believe you haven't tried to fuck me yet
I think we should just be friends with sexual tension
To save time, I'd like to let you know i'm utterly insane
If i had the emotional maturity for a relationship, you'd be at the top of my list
We'd be perfect together because we both like being alone
I can't believe how much i'm not sick of you

I'm still a virgin

Tomorrow should be interesting...

Best Night Ever

Guys, I had the best night ever last night!!!! I watched really tripy music videos while drunk. The best. Also I was on miscellaneous places on campus and ran into several people I only sort of remember.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I need a Thursday fairy

Once upon a time there was a Thursday fairy. She came tomorrow and made everyone thirsty. The end. I like this more than math homework.


I hate cats and people.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Shakespeare Screwed Me Over

So I open my new reading assignment, Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, and I flip through, trying to find which page I am reading to. Of course, the pages are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on. Flipping from 43 to 44 to the next page, I find something severely wrong with my book. So it goes from 44 to 19 then back up to 44 and skips straight to 77. Fantastic. I have to read this son-of-a-bitch by Friday and I get the book with a stutter. It's okay, it's not like Act III is somewhere between 44 and 77, the pages not-to-be-found. Now my life has turned into a wild goose chase for a new Shrew. Effin' A.

Monday, February 1, 2010