Sunday, February 14, 2010

the early hours of valentine's day...

So instead of studying, i just spent the last hour looking through the someecards flirting section (thanks for getting me addicted). Below my favorites are in an order that perfectly describes my valentine's day eve/early morning experience year:
I'm almost decided whether or not i'm attracted to you
I haven't decided how much longer to tease you
I can't believe you haven't tried to fuck me yet
I think we should just be friends with sexual tension
To save time, I'd like to let you know i'm utterly insane
If i had the emotional maturity for a relationship, you'd be at the top of my list
We'd be perfect together because we both like being alone
I can't believe how much i'm not sick of you

I'm still a virgin

Tomorrow should be interesting...


  1. ooh! ooh! do tell! (though maybe not on here unless you want the whole world to know your weekend excursions)
