1.) Yeah
3.) Ditto
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm going to state the obvious here very briefly:
1. We are all to busy to post.
2. We all miss each other.
3. Summer can't come soon enough (logical deduction from points 1 and 2).
The end!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
So... I'm in sitting in Buddhism class right now. It's terribly boring and my professor is no fun. I was on facebook earlier, and he called on me.... yeah, can you say "blind-sided"? I acted like a bumbling fool. Oops. Oh well, despite my lack of participation and the 50% on today's quiz, I have an A.
This guy.
So basically, AWESOME.
Anyways, one of the coolest things ever happened today. So, y'know, working in the undergraduate admissions office, I get to see a variety of random people. Well, today is my lucky day. As I was working the front desk and checking people in, none other than Doug Savant came up with his daughter, Arianna. Okay, so yeah, he isn't a household name, but for those Desperate Housewive watchers, his character is Tom Scavo. For sure got to talk to him and his daughter.
So basically, AWESOME.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Almost April.
Guys, our first year is almost over and its making me a little bit sad. However, I am gladdened by the fact that I am seeing an amazing concert every week from here on out. Yesterday: Yeasayer Next week: Passion Pit, then Los Campesinos!, then MGMT. Its going to be the best. I also could go see The Fray, but they're The Fray and no one gives a fuck about them. (Obviously, I am very disappointed in our spring concert pick.) So last night was once again interesting for me. I'm terribly hungover right now but have like hours upon hours of chemistry to do, so i have to do that. Yucko. Yesterday I went shopping and spent like 200 dollars and clothes. I bought the coolest pair of 300 dollar John Fluevog's for 59 bucks. There this amazing slip on shoe that has a real pointed toe. Its gray leather: like this gray, with butter cream yellow diamonds down the center of the shoe. They are so epic. I bought a lot of hipster clothes too. By that I mean scarfs and flannel. I look forward to seeing some of you in a couple of days!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
sad face
i don't even know how to survive in this class. it makes me want to slowly shrivel up into a tiny little raisin and die a slow and yucky death. the worst part is i studied my ass off for the exam and didn't do well. and doing well would mean i could take the quizzes online and only go to class once a week. fml. on the plus side, i just learned that the only other animals that can become lepers are armadillos. wow!
ooo now we're watching youtube videos on bacterial conjugation and genetic transfer. how i love shitty science! i'm literally watching a video of someone recording an actual video on his or her computer. what an idiot.
worst of all i hate my romantic life and boys should all go to hell. except you two of course.
bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan. two exams down, one to go.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
RAWR! Spring Break!
No one has posted in sooo long! Okay, so I got back from my spring break yesterday and now I have soooooo much work to do since I was on a service trip and I needed a good distraction. Guys, guess what? The academy awards are tonight!!!! So basically, I will not be efficient tonight. Sad. I miss everyone sooooooo much. Hopefully I will get to see most of you over Easter (except you Greg, frowny face). I'm seeing Passion Pit on Easter Eve which will be soooo great. And I am seeing Yeasayer for free and then Los Campesinos! on April 24th. Yay for concerts! Okay back to writing a paper that is like 30% of grade.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Economic Efficiency
I have effectively increased my Netflix queue by about 10 over the past two and a half hours of my econ class, along with reading a few ecards, checking my email and facebook about 32 times each, and constantly refreshing texts from last night. Way to keep my attention, professor. It may have been beneficial to pay attention, as next class is our first midterm. Oops. Oh well.
Advice from my Philosophy teacher (we're currently analyzing the Apology by Plato) on how to confront your friends who are not examining their lives according to Socrates' standards: "I learned today in philosophy class that your life is not worth living"
This seems like a good phrase to add to my list of ways to alienate people.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Premed is Fucking INSANE
Okay, so today in chemistry we had a problem set due, and we are all handing ours in. So this douche Asian in front of me, before passing them in, steals my friends off the top of the pile and shoves it in his notebook so that he won't get credit. Of course, he just walked up to him and pulled it out of his notebook and turned it in, but oh muh gawd. How terrible. Insane competition!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
the early hours of valentine's day...
So instead of studying, i just spent the last hour looking through the someecards flirting section (thanks for getting me addicted). Below my favorites are in an order that perfectly describes my valentine's day eve/early morning experience year:
I'm almost decided whether or not i'm attracted to you
I haven't decided how much longer to tease you
I can't believe you haven't tried to fuck me yet
I think we should just be friends with sexual tension
To save time, I'd like to let you know i'm utterly insane
If i had the emotional maturity for a relationship, you'd be at the top of my list
We'd be perfect together because we both like being alone
I can't believe how much i'm not sick of you
I'm still a virgin
Tomorrow should be interesting...
Best Night Ever
Guys, I had the best night ever last night!!!! I watched really tripy music videos while drunk. The best. Also I was on miscellaneous places on campus and ran into several people I only sort of remember.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I need a Thursday fairy
Once upon a time there was a Thursday fairy. She came tomorrow and made everyone thirsty. The end. I like this more than math homework.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Shakespeare Screwed Me Over
So I open my new reading assignment, Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, and I flip through, trying to find which page I am reading to. Of course, the pages are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on. Flipping from 43 to 44 to the next page, I find something severely wrong with my book. So it goes from 44 to 19 then back up to 44 and skips straight to 77. Fantastic. I have to read this son-of-a-bitch by Friday and I get the book with a stutter. It's okay, it's not like Act III is somewhere between 44 and 77, the pages not-to-be-found. Now my life has turned into a wild goose chase for a new Shrew. Effin' A.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Okay, so I'm sitting in a tea house in Cambridge attempting to some homework. I hate orgo, but sort of secretly like it. A lot has been poster! Hooray the blog is working. Okay so, there are so many fucking hipsters here and I feel so at home because there are no fucking hipsters at Boston College. Okay well, back to some chemistry and Passion Pit, who I am seeing on Easter Eve, in miltown.
Friday, January 29, 2010
my teacher is nuts
Today my science professor thought it would be a great idea to give us her lecture on how to survive in the cold. She starts with the revelation that food is energy. Thank God I'm in college- how else would I know these things? I now know that I should eat to stay warm, I should sleep enough, and that I should overheat myself before I go outside. All these things will keep my immune system up so I don't get sick and consequently I will feel so much better!
Ok I know some of this sounds legit- but follow me for a second. This is my professor who takes 50 minutes to read her lecture notes- that are posted online, mind you- when it really only takes about 10. Naturally, I will be contributing to this blog often when I'm in this class. Not only because I am bored out of my mind, but also to update you all on her psychotic wanderings. If I receive an 88% or better on our first test, I only have to go to this class on Mondays. I can take all the quizzes online- as well as the final exam. Yes, you heard me right- online. Just as online as all the notes. Need I mention that she encourages us to work together so that we all will succeed- much as a "boat floats" instead of a curve? Finally! A teacher approves cheating! (Note- although she admits not to be a botanist, she finds it relevant to compare a plant to a fish as it breathes through gills!)
I'm worried that this class is actually real. That this college that I love so much can really pay a teacher like her. I feel like I should be offended. For truly this is an insult to the intelligence of everyone in this room. But I forget- stupid people are everywhere. And I'm not good at science. I just was expecting a teacher who would have more insight and not just complain about copyright laws.
Walk the Walk
So I'm walking to class, right? I'm just strollin' down the street when I have to wait at a crosswalk. On the other side of the road, I witnessed the most awkward walk/strut/gait/obscenity of my life. After a few seconds, I realized the WALK sign turned green already, but I was standing wide-eyed at this ridiculosity of a walk. Here are a few mental pictures that I provided for another friend...
Take Shaggy's walk from Scooby Doo. Take away all movement from the arms and make them rigid at the side. Widen the steps by about another foot or so. Yeah? Yeah. Awkward. Here's another one: Imagine a midget standing completely straight and rigid. Now add 6 foot stilts. Then slap him on the ass, telling him to walk long and slow.
Maybe my day was just way too boring and that's why I noticed it, or maybe this kid needs walking therapy. It's your call.
Take Shaggy's walk from Scooby Doo. Take away all movement from the arms and make them rigid at the side. Widen the steps by about another foot or so. Yeah? Yeah. Awkward. Here's another one: Imagine a midget standing completely straight and rigid. Now add 6 foot stilts. Then slap him on the ass, telling him to walk long and slow.
Maybe my day was just way too boring and that's why I noticed it, or maybe this kid needs walking therapy. It's your call.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You know you're in college when washing all of your dishes takes an hour. The bathroom sink flooded about 50 times and I got soap all over the floor. But hey, at least I can drink out of a cup two more times before I have to do the dishes all over again. Drinking is a privilege.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 1, Class 1
So I only had one class today -- Intro to Buddhism. Not as exciting as I was hoping. The best part was the 47 year old woman sitting in front of me, along with the complete creeper who stared at me all class. At one point, my professor mentioned astrology and divination, therefore the girl next to me and I both muttered, "Harry Potter." Thank you, pop culture. One class down, five more to go.
First Day of Classes
Okay, so my first day of classes was today and I only had one at noon. How glorious. Psychology is sooooooooo boring. I am falling asleep already on the first day of classes. But it looks totes easy. Also, its rainy and depressing and making me super mopey.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Okay so this is a blog about the daily gossip lives and other observations of six college students. Let the wonderful life over shares commence.
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